Gemeindewerke Taufkirchen (Vils) GmbH & Co. KG

Rathausplatz 1
84416 Taufkirchen (Vils)

Information, offers and contacts can be found on the website of the Gemeindewerke:

Free energy advice

Once a month, the municipality of Taufkirchen (Vils) offers free energy advice on the following topics: energetic renovation, thermal insulation, photovoltaics, energy saving in the household, current subsidies.
The advice is free and takes place in one-on-one discussions with energy consultant Josef Liebl.

Dates 2023:
18.01. | 15.02. | 21.03. | 18.04. | 16.05. | 20.06. |
18.07. | 22.08. | 19.09. | 17.10. | 21.11. | 19.12. |

Anna Engelschall,  08084 3786,  engelschall(at) 

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