Water Supply Taufkirchen (Vils)

Mailing Adress

Gemeinde Taufkirchen (Vils) - Wasserversorgung
Rathausplatz 1
84416 Taufkirchen (Vils)

Operation building
Flaring 14, 84416 Taufkirchen (Vils)
 08084 7041
 08084 7739

Contact Person



  • Josef Pfanzelt, Tel. 0160 92667717
  • Thomas Böhm, Tel. 0152 02301798
  • Christian Strober, Tel. 0160 96909413

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Water fees

The property owner is liable to pay the fee.
The fees are calculated from a basic fee and a consumption fee.
The fee is set by the municipality in a notification.

Payment Period
The water fees are billed annually by the Gemeindewerke Taufkirchen (Vils). The meter readings are done at the end of the calendar year.
Advance payments are to be made on the fee owed by the last of the month (a total of 1/12 of the annual statement of the previous year).

Since 01/01/2024, the water charges are per cbm
€ 1.12 + 7% VAT

The basic charge for meters is for a nominal flow rate

up to 2.5 cbm / h € 49.00 / year
up to 6.0 cbm / h € 86.00 / year
up to 10.0 cbm / h € 135.00 / year
up to 15.0 cbm / h € 264.00 / year
up to 40.0 cbm / h € 356.00 / year
over 40.0 cbm / h € 466.00 / year

Additional water meters / special cases
(Garden water, pool owners, farmers)

The installation of an additional water meter must be communicated to the municipality of Taufkirchen (Vils), stating the meter number. Proof of the amount of water consumed in the garden or when the pool is filled is the responsibility of the person liable to pay the fee and must be submitted in writing to the municipality of Taufkirchen (Vils) by the end of the year at the latest. It is to be led through calibrated and sealed water meters. The fee-paying person bears the installation and maintenance costs of the garden water meter.
On farms with livestock, a water volume of 15 m³ / p.a applies to each head of large livestock or each large livestock unit. The decisive factor is the average number of cattle held in the previous year. Proof of the number of animals is incumbent on the person liable to pay the fee; it can be provided by submitting the decision of the animal disease fund.

Upon written application, the wastewater fee can be deducted in these cases, whereby a consumption of the first 12m³ / p.a. as a waste water fee of 2.34 € / m³ is to be paid.

Contact us:

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Production contributions for the water supply system

The property owner is liable for the production contribution at the time the contribution liability arises.
Production contributions are levied on the property area and the floor area. The property owners are obliged to report the completion of new buildings, extensions and also subsequent extensions (e.g. attic storeys) to the responsible employee in the municipal administration. The production contributions are raised by the municipality in the form of a notification, as a one-off payment.

Manufacturing contribution rates water supply (since 01/01/2012)
Land area: € 2.25 / m²
Floor area: € 5.15 / m²
plus 7% VAT
(if buildings were completed in the second half of 2020, the reduced tax rate of 5% will be applied.)

Responsible clerk in the town hall:
 Franziska Ismair,
08084 3738

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Water supply data

Supplied Residents: 10.574 (As of Nov. 2020)

Water extraction from two wells:

Delivery rate well IV: 35 l / s
Flow rate well V: 45 l / s
Type: Deep well
Depth: Well IV 192 m, Well V 283 m
Chem. Special feature: Contains iron and manganese

Processing plant:
Processing for ventilation, iron removal and manganese removal

Two elevated tanks, storage volume 2,400 m³
A deep tank, storage volume 300 m³

Water pumping:
Pumping station and pressure booster system after treatment

Water distribution:
3 - 9 bar operating pressure in the network
5 km feeder lines (material PVC)
160 km of distribution lines (materials: cast iron, PVC)
60 km house connection lines
2,823 house connections (PEHD materials)
1,227 sliders
621 fire hydrants

Annual delivery to the local network: 570,745 m³ / a

Water Quality

You can find an excerpt of the investigation of the water quality as PDF under the following link (only available in German):

Wassergüte Taufkirchen (Vils) - Stand 12.12.2024

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