Cemeteries in the community area

Community cemetery

The community’s cemetery, located on Dorfener Straße on the southern outskirts of the village, has existed since 1925. Due to the steady increase in population, the cemetery complex was expanded in 1961 and 1995. The entire cemetery currently includes:

1.112 Family graves
121 Individual graves
145 Urn graves
4 Priests burial places
2 Tombs
6 Urn walls (54 Urn wall niches)
1 Anonymous and semi-anonymous urn grave field

The cemetery fee statutes of the municipality of Taufkirchen (Vils) as well as the cemetery and occupation statutes can be found under Regulations & Statutes. (only available in German)
The community cemetery is administered in the town hall.  Contact persons are: Anton Kreuzpointner and Gabi Valentin


Responsible parish offices for the cemeteries in the community area

Church cemeteries in Moosen (Vils), Maiselsberg, Johannrettenbach, Geislbach, Tegernbach, Unterhofkirchen und Wambach:
Rectory in Taufkirchen (Vils)
08084 503 20-10 or -11

Church cemeteries in Gebensbach und Jettenstetten:
Rectory in Velden
08742 8674

Church cemeteries in Frauenvils, Kienraching und Angerskirchen:
Rectory Dorfen
 08081 9313-0

Church cemeteries in Hörgersdorf:
Rectory in Bockhorn
 08122 892449

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