Exercise course

Sport and exercise are healthy. Since May 2014 there has been a public fitness oasis in the middle of Taufkirchen (Vils), which offers ample opportunity to exercise accordingly.

Taufkirchen is moving – under this motto in the Bürgerpark close to the center – the exact location can be found in the local map on the page “what can I find where” under Bürgerpark – an exercise course for young and old has been created. On the site there are 15 sports exercise machines on which you can train in the open air coordination, strength, endurance and mobility.

Suggested exercises in three levels of difficulty are illustrated and described on all devices. This allows everyone to decide for themselves what is suitable for them according to age and fitness. Due to the proximity to the local schools and the senior service center, both students and older semesters are main beneficiaries and enthusiastically take advantage of the offer.

The project was initiated by the Columbus-Achter, an advisory body of the municipal council. A group led by Gerti Bart worked out the planning. The Taufkirchen municipal council gave its approval and so the plant was set up in early 2014.

A place of encounter and movement for all age groups, an offer for sporty or less sporty it should be, so the wish of Mayor Franz Hofstetter at the inauguration on 1 June 2014. Anyone who was not there and missed the guidance of instructors on site does not need to worry about it. Gerti Bart from TSV Taufkirchen, together with other colleagues, wants to offer a practice lesson for all citizens every first Saturday of the month from 10 to 11 a.m. from July to September. Whereby she thinks that the devices themselves already have a "high inducement character".

The motto "Taufkirchen bewegt sich" was graphically implemented by Magnus Waltl (center) as part of a teaching project of class 9b of the Taufkirchener Realschule. The photo shows the participating students together with secondary school headmaster Josef Hanslmaier.



from the set-up, the first press presentation and the opening on 1 June 2014


Pictures: Hermann Weingartner, Verena Held, Christine Schick, Realschule Taufkirchen (Vils)

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