Figures and Data


The municipality of Taufkirchen (Vils) is located on the northeastern edge of the district of Erding / State of Bavaria, approx. 54 km east of Munich and 25 km south of Landshut. The eastern municipality border also forms the district and administrative district border.


Taufkirchen (Vils) is the second largest municipality in the district of Erding / State of Bavaria and one of the largest municipalities in the Munich region.

During the territorial reform of 1972, it was politically merged with the former municipalities of Gebensbach, Hofkirchen, Moosen, Wambach and part of the municipality of Eibach to form a large municipality. It now covers an area of 7018 hectares. There are a total of 145 villages and hamlets in the municipality.

In terms of nature, the municipality belongs to the tertiary Isar-Inn hill country. The community is located in the so-called "Erdinger Holzland" (Erding wood land) on the Great Vils. The river valley of the Vils has an altitude of 456 m above sea level. The highest point is in the area near Großköchlham at 525 m above sea level.

Population statistics

Registered residents (as of December 31, 2023)

Main residence 10,949
Secondary residence 342
Total 11,291
Share of foreign citizens 16,8%

Population changes (01/01 - 12/31/2023)

Birthrate 82
Marriages 67
Divorces 22
Deaths 125
Numbers leaving the church 109
Naturalizations 31
People moving in 855
People moving out 802
Foreign citizens 1.897

Development of the population

1939 1,765 residents
1950 2,735 residents
1960 3,759 residents
1970 5,044 residents
1972 7,893 residents (territorial reform)
1990 7,979 residents
1996 8,256 residents
2002 8,838 residents
2008 8,995 residents
2014 9,656 residents
2020 10,548 residents
2021 10,634 residents
2022 10,931 residents
2023 10,949 residents

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