Mailing Adress
Gemeinde Taufkirchen (Vils) - Bauhof, Rathausplatz 1, 84416 Taufkirchen (Vils)
Operation building
Siebmühle 1, 84416 Taufkirchen (Vils)
![[Translate to English:] Bild der Kläranlage bei Moosen](/fileadmin/Bilder/RathausBuerger/Einrichtungen/Abwasser/Klaeranlage1.jpg)
Contact Person
Management of the sewage treatment plant: Gerhard Patermann
Sewer site plans, inventory documents: Alfred Krieger
Sewage treatment plant
Operational management Fa. Sedlmeier
08084 94303 and 0171 7619204
08084 94305
Sewer network and pumping stations
Jan Peter van Anrooij, 0170 6903914
Korbinian Glasl, 0175 2964811
Canal fees
The property owner is liable to pay the fee. The fees are calculated from a basic fee and an initial fee equal to the amount of water used. The fee is set by the municipality in a notification.
Payment Period
The canal fees are billed annually. The meter readings are done at the end of the calendar year.
Advance payments are to be made on the fee owed by the last of the month (a total of 1/12 of the annual statement of the previous year).
The split wastewater charges have been as follows since January 1st, 2024:
Wastewater fee 3.41 € / m³
Rainwater fee 0.58 € / m² (paved area)
The basic fee is for a nominal flow rate
up to 2.5 cbm / h € 55.20 / year
up to 10.0 cbm / h € 103.50 / year
up to 15.0 cbm / h € 138.00 / year
up to 40.0 cbm / h € 207.00 / year
over 40.0 cbm / h € 276.00 / year
Responsible clerks in the town hall:
Josefine Schmidt, 08084 3754, schmidt(at)
Production contributions for the drainage system
The property owner is liable for the contribution at the time the contribution liability arises.
Production contributions are levied on the property area and the floor area. The property owners are obliged to report the completion of new buildings, extensions and also subsequent extensions (e.g. attics) to the responsible employee in the municipal administration. The production contributions are raised by the municipality in the form of a notification, as a one-off payment.
Manufacturing contribution rates drainage system
(since 01/01/2012)
Land area: 1.60 € / m²
Floor area: 11.00 € / m²
Responsible clerk in the town hall:
Franziska Ismair, 08084 3738, ismair(at)
Faecal sludge plant in Siebmühle
The fees for the delivery of faecal sludge were set by the municipal council at 29,70 € / m³ of faecal sludge for deliveries from the municipal areas of Taufkirchen (Vils), Inning am Holz and Steinkirchen. Fecal sludge from other municipal areas will not be accepted.
You can obtain detailed information from the following contact persons:
- Gerhard Patermann, Town hall Taufkirchen (Vils)
08084 3736 - Sewage treatment plant Siebmühle
0171 7619204